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Hoechsmann, Michael, Thésée, Gina & Carr, Paul R. (eds.). In press / À paraître. Education for Democracy 2.0: Changing Frames of Media Literacy. Rotterdam: Brill/Sense

Carr, Paul R. & Thésée, Gina. (2019). “It’s not education that scares me, it’s the educators…”: Is there still hope for democracy in education, and education for democracy?. Gorham, ME: Myers Education Press.

Carr, Paul R., Hoechsmann, Michael & Thésée, Gina. (eds.). (2018). Democracy 2.0: Media, Political Literacy and Critical Engagement. Rotterdam: Brill/Sense.

Carr, Paul R., Thomas, Paul, Porfilio, Brad, & Gorlewski, Julie. (eds.). (2016). Democracy and decency: What does education have to do with it?. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.

Thomas, Paul, Carr, Paul R., Gorlewski, Julie, & Porfilio, Brad. (eds). (2015). Pedagogies of Kindness and Respect: On the Lives and Education of Children. New York: Peter Lang.

Carr, Paul R. & Porfilio, Brad J. (eds.). (2015). The phenomenon of Obama and the agenda for education: Can hope (still) audaciously trump neoliberalism? [SECOND EDITION]. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.

Thomas, Paul, Gorlewski, Julie, Porfilio, Brad & Carr, Paul R. (eds.). (2014). Social Context Reform: A Pedagogy of Equity and Opportunity. New York: Routledge.

Abdi, Ali A. & Carr, Paul R. (eds.). (2013). Educating for democratic consciousness: Counter-hegemonic possibilities. New York: Peter Lang Publishing.

(*) Award Recipient / Récipiendaire de prix

Carr, Paul R. & Porfilio, Brad J. (eds.). (2012). Educating for peace in a time of “permanent war”: Are schools part of the solution or the problem?. New York: Routledge.

Carr, Paul R., Zyngier, David & Pruyn, Marc (eds.). (2012). Can teachers make a difference? Experimenting with, and experiencing, democracy in education. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.

Carr, Paul R. & Porfilio, Brad J. (eds.). (2011). The phenomenon of Obama and the agenda for education: Can hope audaciously trump neoliberalism? Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing

(*) Award Recipient / Récipiendaire de prix

Carr, Paul R. (2011). Does your vote count? Critical pedagogy and democracy. New York: Peter Lang.

(*) Award Recipient / Récipiendaire de prix (2)

Thésée, Gina, Carignan, Nicole & Carr, Paul R. (eds.). (2010). Les faces cachées de la recherche interculturelle : De la rencontre des porteurs de cultures. Paris: L’Harmattan.

Porfilio, Brad J. & Carr, Paul R. (eds.). (2010). Youth Culture, Education and Resistance: Subverting the Commercial Ordering of Life. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.

Lund, Darren E. & Carr, Paul R. (eds.). (2008). “Doing” democracy: Striving for political literacy and social justice. New York: Peter Lang Publishing.


Carr, Paul R. (2020). Shooting yourself first in the foot, then in the head: Normative democracy is suffocating, and then the Coronavirus came to light. Postdigital Science and Education, 1-19.

Carr, Paul R, Cuervo, Sandra & Daros, Michelli. (2019). Citizen engagement in the contemporary era of fake news: Hegemonic distraction or control of the social media context? Postdigital Science and Education, 1-22.

Carr, Paul R., Molano, Nancy, Rivas-Sanchez, Eloy, & Thésée, Gina. (2018). Pedagogías contra el despojo: Principios de una eco/demopedagogía transformativa como vehículo para la justicia social y ambiental en América Latina, Revista Internacional de Educación para la Justicia Social, 7(1), 45-69.

Thésée, Gina, Carr, Paul R., Duclos, Anne-Marie & Potwora, Franck. (2018). Conjuguer Démocratie et Éducation : Perceptions et expériences de futurs-es enseignants-es du Québec, Citizenship Education Research Journal / Revue de recherche sur l’éducation à la citoyenneté, 7(1), 61-80.

Thésée, Gina & Carr, Paul R. (2018). Les didactiques peuvent-elles être critiques? Apports des pédagogies et épistémologies sociocritiques à la recherche sur l’enseignement-apprentissage, Revista Trabalho (En)Cena, 3(1), 148-163.

Carr, Paul R. & Thésée, Gina. (2017). Seeking Democracy Inside, and Outside, of Education: Re-conceptualizing Perceptions and Experiences Related to Democracy and Education, Democracy & Education, 25(2), 1-12.

Carr, Paul R., Pluim, Gary, & Thésée, Gina. (2016). The Dimensions of, and Connections Between, Multicultural Social Justice Education and Education for Democracy: What are the Roles and Perspectives of Future Educators?, Citizenship Education Research Journal / Revue de recherche sur l’éducation à la citoyenneté, 6(1), 1-21.

Thésée, Gina, Carr, Paul R. & Potwora, Franck. (2015). Le rôle des enseignants dans l’éducation et la démocratie : Impacts d’un projet de recherche sur la perception de futurs enseignants, Revue de l’éducation de McGill, 50(2/3), 363-388.

Carr. Paul R., Pluim, Gary & Howard, Lauren. (2015). Engagement with the mainstream media and the relationship to political literacy: The Influence of hegemonic education on democracy, Critical Education, 6(15), 1-16.

Thésée, Gina & Carr, Paul R. (2015). L’environnement et l’identité écologique dans le roman « Gouverneurs de la rosée » de Jacques Roumain : une proposition d’éducation critique pour le contexte socio-environnemental haïtien, Éducation relative à l’environnement : Regards – Recherches – Réflexions, 12, 17-38.

Carr, Paul R., Pluim, Gary, & Thésée, Gina. (2014). The role of education for democracy in linking social justice to the “built” environment: The case of post-earthquake Haiti, Policy Futures in Education, 12(7), 933-944.

Carr. Paul R., Pluim, Gary & Howard, Lauren. (2014). Linking Global Citizenship Education and Education for Democracy through Social Justice: What can we learn from the perspectives of teacher-education candidates?, Journal of Global Citizenship and Equity Education, 4(1), 1-21.

Carr, Paul R., Pluim, Gary & Thésée, Gina. (2014). O contexto da vulnerabilidade ambiental enquanto um produto da colonização e da democracia liberal: o entendimento e a educação sobre o terremoto no Haiti, Em Aberto, 27(91), 135-156.

Carr, Paul R. & Becker, Dan. (2013). The Language of Hegemonic Democracy, and the Prospects for an Education for Democracy, The Social Educator, 31(1), 22-34.

Carr, Paul R. & Porfilio, Brad J. (2013). The Architecture of war framing an anti-hegemonic peace education, Peace Studies Journal, 6(1), 3-14.

Carr, Paul R. (2013). Thinking about the connection between democratizing education and educator experience: Can we teach what we preach?, Scholar-Practitioner Quarterly, 6(1), 196-218.

Carr, Paul R. & Thésée, Gina. (2012). Lo intercultural, el ambiente y la democracia: Buscando la justicia social y la justicia ecológica, Visao Global, 15(1-2), 75-90.

Porfilio, Brad J. & Carr, Paul R. (2011). Cultura Juvenil, medios de comunicación de masas y democracia, NetWARD, IX(8), 38-45. (translated article/article traduit)

Carr, Paul R. & Porfilio, Brad J. (2011). Re-evaluating hope and change alongside the potential for transformational change in education. Journal of Inquiry and Action in Education, 4(1), 1-30.

Porfilio, Brad J. & Carr, Paul R. (2011). Audaciously espousing hope within a torrent of hegemonic neoliberalism: The Obama educational agenda and the potential for change, Critical Education, 2(3).

Carr, Paul R. (2011). “¿Pero qué puedo hacer yo?” Quince propuestas auto/transformadoras para estudiantes de educación, Postconvencionales, 3, 149-168. (translated and adapted article/article traduit adapté)

Carr, Paul R. (2011). En busca de la democracia… a través de la pedagogía critica, Postconvenciales, 3, 1-3.

Carr, Paul R. (2011). Cuando “yo” se vuelve “nosotros”: Todavía buscando la verdad, la paz y la democracia, Postconvenciales, 3, 179-183.

Carr, Paul R. (2010). Re-thinking normative democracy and the political economy of education. Journal of Critical Education Policy Studies, 8(1).

Carr, Paul R. (2009). Political conscientization and media (il)literacy: Critiquing the mainstream media as a form of democratic engagement, Multicultural Perspectives, Fall, 1-10.

Thésée, Gina & Carr, Paul R. (2009). Le Baobab en quête de ses racines : la Négritude d’Aimé Césaire ou l’éveil à un humanisme identitaire et écologique dans l’espace francophone, Éducation et francophonie, XXXVII(2), 204-221.

Carr, Paul R. & Porfilio, Brad, J. (2009). The 2008 US presidential campaign, democracy and media literacy, International Journal of Critical Pedagogy, 2(1), 119-138.

Carr, Paul R. & Porfilio, Brad. J. (2009). Computers, the media and multicultural education: Seeking engagement and political literacy, Journal of Intercultural Studies, 20(2), 91-107.

Carr, Paul R. (2009). Educating for democracy: With or without social justice?, Teacher Education Quarterly, Fall, 117-136.

Porfilio, Brad J. & Paul R. Carr. (2008). Youth culture, the mass media and democratic education, Academic Exchange Quarterly, 12(4).

Thésée, Gina & Carr, Paul R. (2008). Une proposition d’élargissement de la dimension critique en éducation relative à l’environnement : la résistance éco-épistémologique, Éducation relative à l’environnement : Regards – Recherches – Réflexions, 7, 65-90.

Carr, Paul R. (2008). “But what can I do?”: Fifteen things education students can do to transform themselves in/through/with education, International Journal of Critical Pedagogy, 1(2), 81-97.

Carr, Paul R. (2008). Educators and education for democracy: Moving beyond “thin” democracy, Inter-American Journal of Education and Democracy, 1(2), 147-165.

Carr, Paul R. (2008). Educadores y educación para la democracia: Trascendiendo una democracia “delgada”, Revista Interamericana de Educación para la Democracia, 1(2), 146-165. (TRANSLATION)

Thésée, Gina & Paul R. Carr. (2008). L’interculturel en environnement : Où justice sociale devrait rimer avec justice environnementale, Journal of Canadian and International Education, 37(1), 45-70.

Carr, Paul R. & Gina Thésée. (2008). Educational institutions negotiating democracy and social justice: The (im)balance of power and accountability, Journal of Canadian and International Education, 36(3), 32-46.

Carr, Paul R. (2007). Experiencing democracy through neo-liberalism: The role of social justice in education, Journal of Critical Education Policy Studies, 5(2).

Carr, Paul R. (2007). Standards, accountability and democracy: Addressing inequities through a social justice accountability framework, Democracy and Education, 17(1), 1-16.

Carr, Paul R. (2007). Shock and awe and the environment, Peace Review, 19(3), 335-343.

Carr, Paul R. (2006). Democracy in the classroom?, Academic Exchange Quarterly, 10(2), 7-12.


Carr, Paul R, Daros, Michelli, Cuervo, Sandra, & Thésée, Gina. (2020). Social media and the quest for democracy: Faking the re-awakening?. In Trifonis, Peter (ed.), Handbook of Theory and Research in Cultural Studies and Education (1-24). New York: Springer.

Thésée, Gina & Carr, Paul R. (2020). Paulo Freire, critical pedagogy and the quest for “Transformative and Emancipatory Education (TEE)”. In Steinberg, S. & Down, B. (eds.), The SAGE Handbook of Critical Pedagogies (pp. 67-74). London: Sage Publications.

Hoechsmann, Michael, Carr, Paul R. & Thésée, Gina. (2019). Viejos, nuevos medios y Democracia 2.0. In Aparici, R. & Garcia Marin, D. (eds.), La posverdad: Una cartografía de los medios, las redes y la política (pp. 45-64). Madrid: Editorial Gedisa. (Translation of published text / Traduction d’une texte publié)

Carr, Paul R., Thésée, Gina & Fregoso Bailón, Raúl Olmo. (2019). La fragilidad de la democracia: ¿Existe algún lugar para la alfabetización democrática y el involucramiento en la educación? In Ledesma Narváez, Marianella (Coordinadora), Justicia e Educacion: Saberes y prácticas inclusivas en América y Europa (pp. 69-104). Lima, Perú: Centro des Estudios Constitucionales, Tribunal Constitucional del Perú.

Carr, Paul R. (2019). Lo macro y lo micro con la “Democracia” al centro: Encuadrando una Educación para la Democracia, y una Democracia para la Educación. In Poom Medina, J. (dir.). Lecturas sobre problemas de la democracia en México (pp.153-184). Hermosillo, Mexico: El Colegio de Sonora.

Hoechsmann, Michael, Carr, Paul R. & Thésée, Gina. (2018). Democracy 2.0, old and new media, and the quest for engaged participation. In Carr, P. R., Hoechsmann, M. & Thésée, G. (eds.), Democracy 2.0: Media, Political Literacy and Critical Engagement (pp. xv-xxvii). Rotterdam : Sense Publishers.

Carr. Paul R., Pluim, Gary & Howard, Lauren. (2018). Engagement with the mainstream media and the relationship to political literacy: The Influence of hegemonic education on democracy. In Carr, P. R., Hoechsmann, M. & Thésée, G. (eds.), Democracy 2.0: Media, Political Literacy and Critical Engagement (pp. 65-81). Rotterdam : Sense Publishers. (Republished from a previous article / Republié d’un article déjà publié)

Thésée, Gina, Carr, Paul R. & Prévil, Carlo. (2017). Les enjeux du Vert en Noir et Blanc : racisme environnemental et antiracisme critique en contextes de racialisation. In Sauvé, L., Orellana, I., Villemagne, C. & Bader, B. (dir.), Éducation / Environnement / Écocitoyenneté : Repères contemporaines (pp. 47-64). Montréal : Presses de l’Université du Québec.

Carr, Paul R. & Thésée, Gina. (2017). Democracy, Political Literacy and Transformative Education: What issues and trends have emerged over the past ten years of this research project?. In Won, N., Brennan, A. & Schugurensky, D. (eds.), By the People: Participatory Democracy, Civic Engagement and Citizenship Education (pp. 250-264). Tempe, Arizona: Participatory Governance Initiative, Arizona State University.

Carr, Paul R. (2016). Transforming educational leadership without social justice? Looking at critical pedagogy as more than a critique, and a way toward "democracy". In Blair, E. (dir.), Teacher leadership: The “new” foundations of teacher education (pp. 18-32). New York: Peter Lang. (republished from the riginal version in 2011 / republié de la version originale en 2011)

Carr, Paul R. (2016). Transforming educational leadership without social justice? Looking at critical pedagogy as more than a critique, and a way toward "democracy". In Blair, E. & Medina, Y. (dir.), The social foundations reader: Critical essays on teaching, learning and leading in the 21st century (pp. 103-117). New York: Peter Lang. (republished from the original version in 2011 / republié de la version originale en 2011)

Carr, Paul R., Thomas, Paul, Porfilio, Brad, & Gorlewski, Julie (eds.). (2016). Where There is Democracy, Should There Be Decency? Framing the Context, Notion and Potential for a More “Decent” Democracy. In Carr, Paul R., Thomas, Paul, Porfilio, Brad, & Gorlewski, Julie (eds.), Democracy and decency: What does education have to do with it? (pp. xiii-xxxii). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.

Carr, Paul R. (2016). Afterword: Pygmalion President, Military Commander-in-Chief, Cheer Leader for Wall Street, and Head of the Empire: Obama, Hegemony and the Promise for Hope and Change. In Orelus, P., Race, Power, and the Obama Legacy: A critical pedagogical analysis (pp. 137-162). New York: Routledge.

Carr, Paul R. & Pluim, Gary. (2015). Education for democracy, and the specter of neoliberalism jamming the classroom. In Abendroth, Mark & Porfilio, Brad J. (eds), School Against Neoliberal Rule: Educational Fronts for Local and Global Justice: A Reader (pp. 289-309). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.

Thomas, Paul, Carr, Paul R., Gorlewski, Julie, & Porfilio, Brad. (2015). “God damn it, you’ve got to be kind”. In Thomas, Paul, Carr, Paul R., Gorlewski, Julie, & Porfilio, Brad. (eds), Pedagogies of Kindness and Respect: On the Lives and Education of Children (pp. 1-7). New York: Peter Lang.

Carr, Paul R. & Porfilio, Brad J. (2015). Audaciously Espousing Hope (well into a second mandate) Within a Torrent of Hegemonic Neoliberalism: The Obama Educational Agenda and the Potential for Change. In Carr, Paul R. & Porfilio, Brad J. (eds.). The phenomenon of Obama and the agenda for education: Can hope (still) audaciously trump neoliberalism? (pp. xxix-li). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing. [SECOND EDITION]

Porfilio, Brad, Gorlewski, Julie, Carr, Paul R. & Thomas, Paul L. (2014). Introduction: Social Context Reform: A Pedagogy of Equity and Opportunity. In Thomas, Paul L., Gorlewski, Julie, Porfilio, Brad & Carr, Paul R. (eds), Social Context Reform: A Pedagogy of Equity and Opportunity (pp. 1-14). New York: Routledge.

Carr, Paul R. & Abdi, Ali A. (2013). Framing contemporary democracy and the potential for counter-hegemonic possibilities. In Abdi, Ali A. & Carr, Paul R. (eds), Educating for democratic consciousness: Counter-hegemonic possibilities (pp. 1-13). New York: Peter Lang.

Carr, Paul R. (2013). Reshaping the democratic truth, and rethinking democracy without elections. In Abdi, Ali A. & Carr, Paul R. (eds), Educating for democratic consciousness: Counter-hegemonic possibilities. New York: Peter Lang.

Carr, Paul R. & Porfilio, Brad J. (2012). Framing peace and war within the educational project: Willful (dis)engagement and meaning (and cost) of conflict. In Carr, Paul R. & Porfilio, Brad J. (eds.), Educating for peace in a time of “permanent war”: Are schools part of the solution or the problem? (pp. 1-37). New York: Routledge.

Carr, Paul R. (2012). Democracy, critical pedagogy and the education of educators. In Carr, P., Zyngier, D. & Pruyn, M. (eds.), Can teachers make a difference? Experimenting with, and experiencing, democracy in education (pp. 23-56). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.

Zyngier, David & Carr, Paul R. (2012). Introducing the Global Doing Democracy Research Project. In Carr, P., Zyngier, D. & Pruyn, M. (eds.), Can teachers make a difference? Experimenting with, and experiencing, democracy in education (1-22). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.

Carr, Paul R. (2012). Is there a difference between Québec’s interculturalism and Canada’s multiculturalism?: The debate over language, culture, race and power. In Wright, H. & Singh, M., (eds.) Precarious international multicultural education: Hegemony, dissent and rising alternatives (pp. 277-296). Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.

Carr, Paul R. & Thésée, Gina. (2011). Discursive epistemologies by, for and about the decolonizing project. In Abdi, A. (ed.), Decolonizing philosophies of education (pp. 15-28). Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.

Carr, Paul R. (2011). Transforming educational leadership without social justice? Looking at critical pedagogy as more than a critique, and a way toward "democracy". In Shields, C. (ed.), Transformative leadership: A Reader (pp. 37-52). New York: Peter Lang.

Carr, Paul R. (2011). The critical pedagogy of democracy. In Malott, C. and Porfilio, B. (eds.), Critical Pedagogy in the 21st Century: A New Generation of Scholars. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.

Carr, Paul R. & Porfilio, Brad. (2011). Audaciously espousing hope within a torrent of hegemonic neoliberalism: The Obama educational agenda and the potential for change. In Carr, Paul R. & Porfilio, Brad (eds.), The phenomenon of Obama and the agenda for education: Can hope audaciously trump neoliberalism? Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.

Porfilio, Brad & Carr, Paul R. (2010). The Neoliberal social order, youth and resistance. In Porfilio, B. and Carr, P. (eds.), Youth Culture, Education and Resistance: Subverting the Commercial Ordering of Life (pp. 1-19). Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.

Carr, Paul R. (2010). L’interculturel et la race blanche : La face cachée des relations de pouvoir inéquitable. In Thésée, G., Carignan, N. et Carr, P. (eds.), Les faces cachées de la recherche interculturelle (pp. 201-221). Paris: L’Harmattan.

Thésée, G., Carignan, N. et Carr, P. R. (2010). Introduction. In Thésée, G., Carignan, N. et Carr, P. (dir.), Les faces cachées de la recherche interculturelle (pp. 1-13). Paris: L’Harmattan.

Carr, Paul R. & Gina Thésée. (2010). Challenging political (il)literacy within neoliberal education. In Porfilio, B. and Carr, P. (eds.), Youth Culture, Education and Resistance: Subverting the Commercial Ordering of Life (pp. 233-255). Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.

Carr, Paul R. & Gina Thésée. (2009). Beyond the religious and science conflict: Is there a place for spiritual ethics in education? In Scheiffer, M. & Talwar, V. (eds.), Science and religion and education. Calgary: Detselig Enterprises.

Thésée, Gina & Paul R. Carr. (2009). Au-delà des conflits entre religion et science : y a-t-il une place pour une épistémologique éthique en éducation? In Scheiffer, M. & Talwar, V. (eds.), Science et religion en éducation : Comment répondre aux questions des enfants (pp. 189-212). Montréal : Presses de l’Université du Québec.

Carr, Paul R. & Thésée, Gina. (2009). The critical pedagogy of understanding how educators relate to democracy”. In Schugerensky, D., Daly, K. and Lopes, K. (eds.), Learning Democracy by Doing: Alternative Practices in Citizenship Learning and Participatory Democracy (pp. 274-283). Toronto: University of Toronto, Transformational Learning Centre.

Lund, Darren E. & Paul R. Carr. (2008). Introduction: Scanning democracy. In Lund, Darren E. & Carr, Paul R. (eds.), Doing democracy: Striving for political literacy and social justice (pp. 1-29). New York: Peter Lang.

Carr, Paul R. & Gina Thésée. (2008). The Quest for political (il)literacy: Responding to, and attempting to counter, the neoliberal agenda. In Porfilio, B. and Malott, C. (eds.), An International Examination of Urban Education: The Destructive Path of Neoliberalism (pp. 173-194). Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.

Thésée, Gina & Paul R. Carr. (2007). Les mesures d’équité et les discontinuités culturelles (Equity Measures and Cultural Discontinuities). In Solar, Claudie & Fasel Kanoute (eds.), Équité en éducation (Equity in Education). Montreal: Éditions Nouvelles.

Carr, Paul R. (2007). Educational policy and the social justice dilemma. In Claire, H. & Holden, C. (eds), Controversial Issues in Education (pp. 1-10). London: Trentham.


Carr, Paul R. (2020). If Everything Has Changed, Why Such a Focus on Baling Out Capitalism? The Somber Reality Underpinning COVID-19. Postdigital Science and Education.

Carr, Paul R. (2020). Surviving the coronavirus requires escaping the status quo – together. The Conversation (June 14).

Carr, Paul R. (2020). Returning to ‘normal’ post-coronavirus would be inhumane. The Conversation (May 13).


Carr, Paul R. & Thésée, Gina. (2018). Introduction au numéro thématique Démocratie, alphabétisation politique et éducation transformatoire : points de rencontres d'acteurs socioéducatifs et de perspectives critiques. Citizenship Education Research Journal / Revue de recherche sur l’éducation à la citoyenneté, 7(1), 1-8.

Carr, Paul R. (2017). Political (Il)literacy and Living in a Society: Is there room for a Critically-Engaged Education for Democracy? or “I used to read poetry… before I became radicalized”, Conference Proceedings: Discomfort Zones: Negotiating Tensions and Cultivating Belonging in Diverse College Classrooms in Quebec, Vanier College, Montréal. (pp. 24-31)

Secretariat of the International Task Force on Teachers for Education for All & Carr, Paul R. (2015). Teachers in Post-2015 International Education Agenda: What policies, practices and tools for teacher-related target? (7th International Policy Dialogue Forum). Paris: International Task Force on Teachers for Education for All, UNESCO.

Hiebert, Matthew & Carr, Paul R. (2014). Education for Democracy: A Curriculum framework. (Presented by the Mongolian Presidency of the Community of Democracies, with the support of Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada). Calgary: Agriteam Canada Consulting Ltd. (NOTE: we were consultants hired to draft this document, in consultation and with the support of colleagues in Mongolia).

Carr, Paul R. (2009). Democratic Education in an Intercultural World: The Intersection Between identity and Power. Conference Proceedings of the Tenth Annual Conference of the Association pour la recherche interculturelle.

Carr, Paul R. (1997). Stuck in the Middle?: A Case Study of How Principals Manage Equity-related Change in Education, Education Canada, 35(1), 42-49.

Carr, Paul R. (1993). The Silent Emergency: A Development Education Curriculum Resource for Secondary School Educators. (Project Director and co-editor for this UNICEF Canada curriculum document).

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