Book Series
Counter-Hegemonic Democracy and Social Change
Series Editor: Paul R. Carr & Gina Thésée; Publisher: Information Age Publishing
Critical Studies in Democracy and Political Literacy
Series Editor: Paul R. Carr; Publisher: Peter Lang Publishing
Cultural Pluralism, Democracy, Socio-environmental justice & Education
Series Editor: Paul R. Carr & Gina Thésée; Publisher: Sense publishers
Critical Perspectives on Power, Identity, and Whiteness
Series Editor: Paul R. Carr, Virginia Lea, & Darren E. Lund; Publisher: Peter Lang Publishing

It's not education that scares me, it's the educators...

Democracy 2.0 : Media, Political Literacy and Critical Engagement

Critical Multicultural Perspectives on Whiteness

Democracy and Decency: What Does Education Have to Do With It?

Educating for Democratic Consciousness: Counter-hegemonic possibilities

Can Educators Make a Difference?: Experimenting with, and Experiencing Democracy in Education

Educating for Peace in a Time of "Permanent War"

The Phenomenon of Obama and the Agenda for Education: Can Hope Audaciously Trump Neoliberalism

Does your vote count? Critical pedagogy and democracy

Youth Culture, Education and Resistance: Subverting the Commercial Ordering of Life

The Great White North? Exploring Whiteness, Privilege and Identity in Education

Doing Democracy: Striving for Political Literacy and Social Justice

Les faces cachées de l’interculturel: De la rencontre des porteurs de cultures